Input file reference manual

DockOnSurf execution is controlled by the edition of an input file. In this file, all the mandatory and optional parameters are specified using a keyword = value pair. An example of such file is provided in dockonsurf/examples/dockonsurf.inp.

Keywords must be specified under one of the four existing sections: Global, Isolated, Screening and Refinement , the last three corresponding to the stages DockOnSurf consist on. Keywords can beclassified in three categories:

  • mandatory, for which its value must always be provided (eg. run_type)

  • keyword-dependent, for which specification is only mandatory depending on the value of another keyword (eg. subm_script keyword is mandatory if batch_q_sys has a value different than “False”)

  • optional, for which a default value is assigned when the keyword is not given any value (eg. max_structures).

Although none of the three stages is compulsory for a DockOnSurf execution, the necessary keywords for each of the stages will be also considered as mandatory. They are mandatory in the case of running such stage.

For some keywords, the use of more than one value is possible. In order to separate such values, a whitespace (” “), a comma (“,”) or a semicolon (“;”) can all be used. Some values need to be specified in groups (eg. each of the three vectors of the cell matrix). In such case groups are defined by enclosing the elements around parentheses-like characters: “()”, “[]” or “{}”. (eg. “(a1, a2,a3) [b1 b2 b3] {c1;c2; c3}”).


Parameters in this section have an effect on the entire DockOnSurf execution.

batch_q_sys (mandatory): The scheduler managing the job submission in the computing center. If set to “False” DockOnSurf will perform a dry run, where all structures and the directory hierarchy will be created but no job will be submitted/run.
Accepted values: “SGE”, “LSF”, “SLURM” or “False”.
code (mandatory): The program to carry out the geometry optimizations.
Accepted values: “CP2K” or “VASP”.
max_jobs (optional): The maximum number of jobs in a certain status: running (“r”), pending/queued (“p” or “q”), or the sum of both (“rp” or “rq”).
Accepted values: positive integers together to the letters defining the status (eg. “7r”, “5p” or “10r 5q 12rq”), or “False”. Combination of different values is possible. Default value: False
pbc_cell (optional): The cell to which Periodic Boundary conditions is going to be applied. It’s used in the detection of collisions and dissociation of hydrogen atoms.
Accepted values: The cell matrix: (a1 a2 a3) (b1 b2 b3) (c1 c2 c3) or “False”. Default value: False


When using VASP as code, the PBC cell must be provided either through the pbc_cell keyword or inside the coordinates file. (eg. POSCAR/CONTCAR)

potcar_dir (optional): The path to the directory containing all the elements with their corresponding POTCAR files.
Accepted values: The path of a directory (eg. /home/cmarti/potcars/) or “False”. Default value: False
project_name (optional): The name of the project. It will appear in the job names of the submitted calculations.
Accepted values: all. Default value: nothing
run_type (mandatory): Type of run that you want to perform. It will activate the execution of each of the different stages.
Accepted values: Isolated, Screening, Refinement, Full = Isolated + Screening + Refinement, Adsorption = Screeng + Refinement. More than one value can be specified separated by (Isolated Screening
special_atoms (optional): Non-standard atom types defined in the coordinates file together with the standard atom it is related to grouped inside parentheses.
Accepted values: groups of parentheses containing each a couple of non-standard, standard chemical symbol. (eg. (Fe1 Fe) (Fe2 Fe) (O1 O)), or “False”. Default value: False
subm_script (keyword-dependent): The script for the job submission.
Mandatory if batch_q_sys is not set to “False”.
Accepted values: The name/path of the file.


Parameters in this section have an effect on the Isolated stage.

isol_inp_file (mandatory): The input file to be used for the chosen code in order to carry out the geometry optimization.
Accepted values: The name/path of the file.
molec_file (mandatory): The file containing the coordinates of the molecule. Accepted formats: see
Accepted values: The name/path of the file.
num_conformers (optional): The number of raw conformers to generate to later optimize. It is NOT the final number of structures to optimize its geometry.
Accepted values: Positive integer. Typically among 100 and 10.000. Default value: 100
pre_opt (optional): Which force field should be used to preoptimize the geometry of the generated conformers in order to correct configurations with unreasonable geometries.
Accepted values: “MMFF”, “UFF” or “False”. Default value: MMFF


Parameters in this section have an effect on the Screening stage.

adsorption_height (optional): The height at which the adsorbate should be placed above the surface. Units: Ångstroms.
Accepted values: Positive decimal number. Default Value: 2.5
collision_threshold (optional): When detecting atomic clashes with the collision of spheres method, collision_threshold sets the coefficient by which the covalent radius of each atom should be multiplied to get the sphere radius. When set to False the detection of atomic clashes with the collision of spheres method is not carried out.
Accepted values: Positive decimal number or “False”. Default Value: False


If both, the collision_threshold and min_coll_height are set to “False”, atomic clashes will NOT be checked.

confs_per_magn (optional): The number of conformers to select per magnitude/quantity. It selects the conformers with most different values of the relevant quantity. If the moment of inertia (MOI) is chosen as magnitude, in select_magns, setting confs_per_magn to 1 picks the conformer with the largest value of moment of inertia, setting it to 2 picks the ones having the largest and the smallest, setting it to three, the largest, the median and the smallest, and so on. If energy is chosen as magnitude, setting confs_per_magn to 1 picks the most stable conformer (the smallest value of energy), setting it to 2 picks the ones having the largest and the smallest, setting it to three, the largest, the median and the smallest, and so on.
Accepted values: Positive integers.
exclude_ads_ctr (optional): Whether to exclude the adsorption center/anchoring point from the atomic clashes detection.
Accepted values: “True” or “False”. Default Value: False
h_acceptor (optional): Which atom types/indices of the surface act as proton acceptors.
Accepted values: Chemical symbols of surface atoms, atom indices of surface atoms or “all”. The use of more than one value is possible. Default Value: all.
h_donor (optional): Which atom types/indices of the adsorbate act as proton donors. When set to “False” dissociation of protons is disabled.
Accepted values: Chemical symbols of adsorbate atoms, atom indices of adsorbate atoms or “False”. The use of more than one value is possible. Default Value: False.
max_helic_angle (optional): The maximum value for the helicopter rotation of the adsorbate over the surface in degrees (see figure underneath).
Accepted values: Positive decimal number. Default Value: 180.0.
max_structures (optional): Maximum number of adsorbate-surface structures to generate. Structures are chosen randomly.
Accepted values: Positive integer or “False”.


When max_structures is set, structures are chosen randomly and reproducibility is not kept.

min_coll_height (optional): The minimum height of atoms above the surface for them to be considered as non-colliding with the surface. It can only be used if the surface normal is one of the cartesian axes (both positive and negative). When set to False the detection of atomic clashes with the minimum height method is not carried out.
Accepted values: Positive decimal number or “False”. Default Value: 1.5


If both the collision_threshold and min_coll_height are set to “False”, atomic clashes will NOT be checked.

molec_ctrs (mandatory): The (groups of) atom indices in the adsorbate to be used as adsorption centers/anchoring points (ie. the centers to be placed right above the surface site). When a group of atom indices is defined by enclosing them inside parentheses-like characters (“()”, “[]” or “{}”), the adsorption center/anchoring point is defined as the average of the atom’s coordinates. It is useful to define π-modes like in ethylene or benzene.
Accepted values: atom indices of the adsorbate atoms optionally grouped by enclosing them inside parentheses-like characters (“()”, “[]” or “{}”). The use of more than one value is possible.
molec_ctrs2 (keyword-dependent): The (groups of) atom indices in the adsorbate to be used as second centers (ie. the atoms used to define dihedral angles when using the internal set of angles). When a group of atom indices is defined by enclosing them inside parentheses-like characters (“()”, “[]” or “{}”), the second center is defined as the average of the atom’s coordinates.
Mandatory if set_angles is set to “internal”.
Accepted values: atom indices of the adsorbate atoms optionally grouped by enclosing them inside parentheses-like characters (“()”, “[]” or “{}”). The number of second centers must be the same than the number of adsorption centers/anchoring points. Groups of indices count as 1.
molec_ctrs3 (keyword-dependent): The (groups of) atom indices in the adsorbate to be used as third centers (ie. the atoms used to define dihedral angles when using the internal set of angles). When a group of atom indices is defined by enclosing them inside parentheses-like characters (“()”, “[]” or “{}”), the second center is defined as the average of the atom’s coordinates.
Mandatory if set_angles is set to “internal”.
Accepted values: atom indices of the adsorbate atoms optionally grouped by enclosing them inside parentheses-like characters (“()”, “[]” or “{}”). The number of third centers must be the same than the number of adsorption centers/anchoring points. Groups of indices count as 1.
sample_points_per_angle (optional): Number of rotations to carry out, in the orientational sampling, per each of the three angle in the set. The total number of rotations generated is equal to \(n^3 - n(n-1)\) where \(n\) is the value set for sample_points_per_angle.
Accepted values: Positive integers. Default Value: 3.


All possible combinations of the three different angles are generated, leading to \(n^3\) raw configurations. However, for both, the Euler (in its x-convention) and the internal set of angles, redundant configurations are generated with a dependence on the rotations per angle \(n\)) equal to \(n(n-1)\): In the x-convention of Euler angles, \((x, 0, 0) \equiv (0, 0 , x)\). In the internal angles, when the bond angle is flat, all the bond-dihedral angle rotations are ineffective. These redundant configurations generated both in the Euler and Internal angles are algorithmically filtered out.

screen_inp_file (mandatory): The input file to be used for the chosen code in order to carry out the geometry optimization.
Accepted values: The name/path of the file.
select_magns (mandatory): Which magnitudes/quantities should be used to select the conformers generated at the Isolated stage.
Accepted values: “energy” or “MOI”.
set_angles (mandatory): Which set of angles must be used to perform the orientational sampling.
Accepted values: “Internal” or “Euler”
sites (mandatory): The (groups of) atom indices in the surface to be used as sites of adsorption (ie. where the adsorbate should be placed on the surface). When a group of atom indices is defined by enclosing them inside parentheses-like characters (“()”, “[]” or “{}”), the adsorption site is defined as the average of the atom’s coordinates. A single index represents an atop site, a group of two a bridge site and a group of three a hollow site.
Accepted values: atom indices of the surface atoms optionally grouped, by enclosing them inside parentheses-like characters (“()”, “[]” or “{}”). The use of more than one value is possible.
surf_ctrs2 (keyword-dependent): The (groups of) atom indices in the surface to be used as second centers (ie. the atoms used to define dihedral angles when using the internal set of angles). When a group of atom indices is defined by enclosing them inside parentheses-like characters (“()”, “[]” or “{}”), the surface second center is defined as the average of the atom’s coordinates.
Mandatory if set_angles is set to “internal”.
Accepted values: atom indices of the surface atoms optionally grouped, by enclosing them inside parentheses-like characters (“()”, “[]” or “{}”). The use of more than one value is possible.
surf_file (mandatory): The coordinates file of the surface to be used for adsorption. Accepted formats: see
Accepted values: The name/path of the file.
surf_normal_vect (optional): The direction vector perpendicular to the surface. This is the direction towards where the adsorbate should be placed above the surface. The surface normal vector can be automatically guessed using the ASANN method. This is specially useful for stepped/kinked surfaces or nanoparticles, where the surface normal has to be defined locally.
Accepted values: a three-dimensional vector (eg. “(1, -2, 4)”), “x”, “y”, “z”, “-x”, “-y”, “-z” or “auto”. Default value: auto.
use_molec_file (optional): Instead of carrying out the Screening stage using the molecules obtained in Isolated. It uses a single conformer provided with a coordinates file.
Accepted values: The name/path of the file. Default value: False.


Parameters in this section have an effect on the Refinement stage.

refine_inp_file (mandatory): The input file to be used for the chosen code in order to carry out the geometry optimization.
Accepted values: The name/path of the file.
energy_cutoff (optional): The results from the screening are read and all structures corresponding to relative energies below a specified energy with respect to the most stable structure, are recomputed at a higher level of theory or accuracy. Units: eV.
Accepted values: Positive decimal number. Default value: 0.5.


The energy_cutoff must be chosen considering the approximate adsorption energy. For a given value several low-interacting species may fall within the energy cutoff, while for the most binding ones, only few of them may be selected for refinement.